
Cantor Redfern’s Accolades

“Cantor Redfern performed a very warm rendition of “Sh’yibone Beis Hamikdosh,” his interpretation of “Al Kol Eleh” by Naomi Shemer, was also inspiring and beautifully interpreted.”

Mr. David Amos
Music Critic
San Diego Jewish Times


“Cantor Redfern is skilled and knowledgeable in the field of Jewish Music including Nusach Hatefilah(prayer chant), Cantillation (Torah Haftorah Chants), and History of Jewish Music and Liturgy.

An excellent and dedicated pedagogue, I highly recommend Cantor Redfern’s participating in any Jewish music program endeavor from instruction in Nusach Hatefilah to Bar Mitzvah tutoring or as a featured and guest lecturer.”

Cantor Bernard Beer
Director: Belz School of Jewish Music
at Yeshiva University in New York City


“Cantor Redfern’s dedication to Chazanut and to the preservation and perpetuation of the Jewish tradition through the liturgy is unparalleled. His singing is filled with warmth and reflects a deep understanding and love of Jewish prayer.”

Eleanor Epstein
Artistic Director
Zemer Chai
Washington DC’s Jewish Community Chorus


“Cantor Yehoshua Redfern’s rendition in SimShalom of Janowski was one of the pleasurable numbers”

American Jewish Choral Fesitval Jewish Forward
New York, NY


Cantor Redfern is an experienced hand at guiding bar mitzvah
learners to success in all phases of their efforts, and also in minimizing
their natural anxiety about the event.  I would strongly recommend Cantor
Redfern for bar mitzvah teaching, whatever the child’s level of Judaic &
musical skill, and whatever the hashkafah of the shul.

Samuel Osofsky

Silver Spring, MD

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